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Benefits of Sobriety

*Click here to hear about my decision to quit alcohol.

*Click here to listen to what happened and tools that have helped me stay sober.

*Click here to get a questionnaire I made to get a deeper look at your own relationship with alcohol.

I recently quit drinking alcohol... again (I'm just a little over six weeks sober) and I wanted to reflect on some of the positive changes that I've noticed happen since quitting. Check out the above links to hear more about my story and why I decided to quit for good.

Also, these are just a few benefits of not drinking - I haven't listed everything. Watch this video I made previously to hear even more benefits of not drinking alcohol.

1. Beautiful Mornings & Productivity

Waking up in the morning is my favorite. I'm kind of a deep person and am constantly mindful & appreciative of being alive. Maybe this comes from quite a bit of experience with death (I've lost my dad, my uncle, and most recently, my aunt. I'm honestly still in shock that she's gone. It doesn't seem real) but the first few moments of waking up, being aware of a new day and all of it's possibility is fueling.

It also helps that my small dog especially loves the mornings. He's eager and excited to go outside, have his small bowl of breakfast and nap immediately after.

You can check out his Instagram here (yes, my dog has an IG... I'm that person lol).

When you wake up clear-headed and refreshed from actually getting rest/sleep, the good feelings of this is the exact opposite of a hangover.

Why not start the day off right?

2. My Skin is Clear & I lost 5 Pounds

Since quitting alcohol... again, my skin is already clear and looking better than it has in months! And I've only been sober for a little over 6 weeks!

I've also lost 5 pounds. It's as if I'm getting my body back.

3. Saving Money

DEAR LORD! The money! When you're not spending money on alcohol, shopping while drinking, going out and drinking (those bar tabs will get you) you save money.

On top of that, I'm more productive. I work from home (I work for myself) and have been for the past 3 1/2 years as a content creator and I'm able to stay more on top of reaching out to brands I'd like to work with, consistently create new content every week and focus more on the projects I want to get a start on now.

If you'd like to think more about your own journey with alcohol, I created a questionnaire over on my Patreon that my Patrons get instant access to. Click here to support this community and have access to the Q's!

Hope you found this helpful and remember you're not alone. If you're looking to cut back or quit, I think having support around you is key for success.


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