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Recovering From Religion + Update!

It's been a minute! I wanted to let you guys know I'm coming back with weekly blog posts and am going to share more here on topics I care about and wanted to start with a few transcripts from recent videos I've made for my YT channel. I think I was trying to do too much and quickly got burnt out. Juggling 2 different podcasts, a monthly book club, making videos for my YT channel, this blog, social media posts, my Etsy shop, my online stationary shop, and wow - that's a lot of content to throw into the void of the internet for a single human... jesus christler...

I've made the decision to discontinue the book club - I'd love to keep up with it again in the future, I'm just finding myself wanting to focus on other projects at this time.

Also, I'm going to step back from podcasting for now. I've been more focused on writing scripts for videos on topics I care about and am wanting to add those transcripts here like I was doing before.

And here we are - here's a link to my Recovering From Religion video from October 12, 2018.

Since leaving the religion I was indoctrinated in, I've realized it's taken quite a bit of time recovering from it. From de-converting, to undoing the fear of hell, to losing relationships in my life simply because I'm no longer a Christian, to not having support around me, feeling guilt and shame for not believing, to coping with the harmful effects that were consequences of being indoctrinated; all of this and more, took a toll on me and if you're someone who is currently experiencing this, know that you are not alone.

I'm fortunate that the religion I left was Christianity and I know that for some people, leaving their religion can be extremely dangerous and life threatening. I wanted to point to a resource that can help if you're someone who is having doubts about your beliefs.

Recovering From Religion is an organization that offers hope, healing, and support. They provide resources for anyone who might have questions about changing or leaving their faith and they offer two ways of support: peer support and professional support.

You can simply call them 1-844-368-2848, you can also message them through a chat on their website, and there's also a way to connect face to face with Support Groups. I think this is extremely important because I know from personal experience and from religious studies, sometimes when people leave their religion, they are rejected by their family. I think being rejected by your own family can be crushing and hurtful. Finding support from Recovering From Religion in this way can really help.

They also offer The Secular Therapy Project. Here you'll be connected with a skilled, licensed therapist who will offer evidence-based & non-religious treatment.

I wish I had known about this resource before when I was looking for a therapist. When I was still religious and I sought a therapist, the Christian counselor I was seeing told me that my negative thinking at the time was “because Satan was putting those thoughts in my head”. Years later, when I was realizing I was an atheist, I found another therapist who I didn't know at the time was religious. It was harmful to talk to someone who was only interested in making sure I became a Christian again. I had just just opened up to her about not believing in the Bible & the Christian god, or any god and her response was belittling and judgmental. She told me I “needed to re-read the Bible because I clearly didn't get it.” Yeah ... I don't see how any of this advice is helpful. I think The Secular Therapy Project is such a great resource for anyone who would just like to talk with someone without fear of judgement, or if you're someone who has questions about leaving your religion or really, all of the above I mentioned before. Maybe you're struggling with a fear of hell or are realizing you were indoctrinated.

Being able to talk with someone who is non-religious and evidence-based can really help with perspective.

When you leave your religion, it's like a whole other life opens up. Your life is different now, you get to re-invent it. It can also maybe feel a bit overwhelming. Take it a day at a time and do things at your own pace. Personally, I was afraid of an idea of hell for a few years even after I came out as an atheist. I've also lost some relationships that I ended up grieving over. I didn't try to kill the relationship on my end, the relationship ended because the other person couldn't tolerate me walking away from religion.

Everyone's situation is different. You have to figure out what's best for you and Recovering From Religion can help. Know that you are not alone.


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