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Feeling Unmotivated & How To Get Back On Track

It happens. You get burnt out, you lose your ability to concentrate or, you're just... off. How do you move forward and find balance? Today I'm sharing a few of my go-to things I like to do when I realize, I need to re-set.

1. Plan

Get your planner and a journal and start by listing some goals you'd like to accomplish as far as work, hobbies, fitness, etc. I think this is crucial for success because you have to first figure out what it is you want. Going through your days and weeks without a plan can get chaotic and you might be left feeling like you're missing something. At least I have. I've gotten busy with "the doing" and when I got burnt out, thought... this was bound to happen. But it doesn't have to.

What I like to do is plan for the upcoming week on Friday and Saturday. I take Sundays off work to re-charge and when I get back into the swing of things on Monday, everything seems much easier. I find that when I plan out my week on Monday, I get frustrated because when I plan, it takes a bit of time and concentration. On Monday, I'd rather be putting 'the plan' into motion.

2. Meditate

Starting my day with a meditation helps keep me in the present. I think sometimes, we let our thoughts and emotions get to us. The mind has a way of repeating thoughts and emotions, even if we don't like what we're feeling or thinking. It's just what the mind does. We can choose to not engage with those thoughts or feelings. We can notice them and let them go. Coming back to the breath is a helpful reminder to focus on the current moment.

Here are a few helpful meditation apps I like to use:

3. Spruce

Clean your space. I've noticed this really makes a difference I think with my mood which is weird to me to say. When I'm working from home in my clean space, it just feels nice. You deserve that. I think cleaning your space is a form of self-care and it helps me focus on whatever it is I'm doing, rather than thinking in the back of my mind, 'I should do the dishes soon' or 'there's a cluttered mess on the coffee table' lol.

I should also mention getting ready for the day. Do a workout, take a shower, feel good. If you're someone who likes to wear makeup, do your makeup. Style your hair and wear something that makes you feel amazing. I like to wear light clothing that's soft and that fits well. It makes me feel put together and comfortable.

I hope you found this helpful if you're feeling stuck - that can be a frustrating place to be. As soon as you recognize that's where you are, I think starting with a new, fresh plan can really help.


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