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Filming At ipsyOS

Yesterday I got to film at ipsyOS in Santa Monica and vlogged the experience! Click here if you'd like to see the vlog - Kyle and I had fun shooting (and there are some hilarious bloopers I'll keep at the end of the video when it goes up on my main channel 😂). I ended up filming a heatless hairstyles for short hair video and it was a super quick shoot so we spent the remaining time filming a video for the app, Showroom and exploring the studio space more.


Last time I filmed there, it was a fashion video we were shooting in the same space, stage 3. Here's some more sneaky looks at what we were up to. BTW my hairstyle video will be on my main channel soon!

Also, I'll be at BeautyCon LA this Saturday! Let me know if you'll be there - I'd love to do a meet up!

-XO Sarah

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